Colon Health Question & Answers: Intestinal Polyps

Let’s see few questions and answers that are frequently asked by many people regarding colon, polyps, colon cancer and healthy foods for colon

What are the polyps?

A growth or the development of tissue from the lining of the large intestine or colon is referred to as colon polyps or intestinal polyp. Simply, polyps can grow in any part of the colon; it includes both large and small intestine and colon.

Shape and size of polyp is like mushroom with a narrow fleshy muscle that connects the colon wall. Few other polyps are flatter and can grow directly on the colon wall.

The Size of polyps could vary from 2 millimeter to 1 inch diameter approximately.

Colon Health

How common are they?

Let’s find few statistics: Children

Polyps are found in about 1-2% of the children’s large intestine/colon. There is a type of polyp named juvenile, found more than 95% in children under 10 years old and mostly those are in 2 to 6 years of age. Left side of the colon is mostly affected by the juvenile polyps.


Most of the adults above the age of 50 have greater chance of getting colon polyps and later can develop in colon cancer. It doesn’t mean young people are out of risk but history and science finds very less evidence for young person getting affected of colon cancer.

Few of the children inherit genes and develop severe polyps (referred to as polyposis syndromes).

What are the symptoms of polyps?

  • Adults or children with polyps has tendency of passing blood in the stools. This bloody stool does not cause any pain but loosing this small amount of blood over a month can make iron-deficiency anemia to children.
  • Crampy abdominal pain, diarrhea with mucus, nausea etc. can be common symptoms of polyps.

How is the diagnosis made?

Diagnosis can be done through barium enema, gastrointestinal-endoscopy, colonoscopy, proctoscopy, fecal occult blood test etc. The procedure of each diagnosis is different and most of the medical practitioner suggest colonoscopy because while diagnosis only polyps removal can be done.

And if the polyps are identified in early stage of growth then supplements can be used for removal.

What are potential complications of polyps?

Polyps bleed in large amount rarely, especially in case of break or tear (autoamputate). These can cause blockage in intestines called intussusception.

What increases the risk of getting colon polyps?

You are more sensitive or likely to have colon polyps if:

  • Your family has history of colon cancer and polyps
  • You are over 40 years of age
  • You eat Junk foods, mostly western diet and civilization
  • You inherited gene from parents
  • You have Ulcerative colitis

Why do polyps form?

The specific facts and reasons are unknown but other reasons could be family history and inherited genes. Only thing we can do is to keep ourselves clean and colon healthy by right diet system and doing whatever we can do.

How are polyps removed?

Polyps are removed usually through colonoscopy or if risk is very less than supplements can be used. Several natural supplements are found in market that can help you melting polyps and heal. Colon Cleansing is good for every human being.

Next session will be on: 

What are the common foods that can be taken for healthy colon?Colon Health Reading

Colon Cancer: You Can Beat Cancer With Natural and Herbal Remedies

Organic herbs have been used by people in different parts of the world to treat a wide range of conditions. When it comes to melanoma, many people with a strong belief in alternative treatment will often approach an natural medication practitioner to find comfort from the signs of the condition, decrease the side effects of radiation treatment or chemo or to prevent from cancer. Considering the amazing results being thrown up by research on the medicinal features of herbs, modern-day research is beginning to pay attention to the potency of natural drugs in melanoma.

Basics of Cancer

Cancer usually contains normal tissues getting customized into abnormal ones by preliminary of certain oncogenes and decrease of certain other genes that normally decrease development growth. These abnormal tissues then grow in an out of control way, avoiding the process of cell deaths known as apoptosis that normal cell go through. New blood vessels create to supply nutrition to the polyp and this growth soon attacks other tissues and spread all over the system.
The presence of chronic inflammation has been linked with melanoma development and much of the current research on natural medicine shows that plant ingredients that can decrease or control inflammation are valuable against melanoma.

Healthy diet


A expensive ingredient that is usually organized for use in sweet preparations, saffron has been found to reduce tumor growth in animal experiments. Saffron contains a carotenoid known as crocin that reduces the rate of development growth probably by controlling the features of DNA and RNA in the tissues of melanoma or by implementing an anti-oxidant action. In liver  cancer research, saffron was found to stimulate apoptosis and avoiding the inflammation related response.


Ginger is most well-known for its use as a abdominal and the part it functions in battling nausea. Now, researchers are finding that ginger tends to cause apoptosis in chests and ovarian melanoma and leukaemia.  More importantly, it has been found that this ability to kill cells is a particular one, only the tissues of melanoma are attacked, while the normal tissues are left the same. Some assessments also show that ginger stops the action of enzymes associated with melanoma and causes the system to synthesis more necessary proteins with cancer-fighting properties.


Garlic gives a common flavor to food and this prized quality is a result of the sulfur-containing ingredients present in it. Since the several years, it has been recognized for its action as a abdominal, an expectorant, and a cholesterol-lowering agent. Now, research is showing that taking legumes may also prevent the development of melanoma in the intestinal tract , the oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small abdominal, digestive tract and rectum,  the chests and pancreatic.

Aloe Vera

Traditionally recognized for its value in injuries to the skin and as a natural, natural aloe-vera is now being examined for anti-cancer features. Research have found that aloe vera contains a element known as acemannan that has antiviral and anti-inflammatory action as well as the ability to stimulate the protection system; this, along with its lack of dangerous effect even at high doses has triggered further research into its use against melanoma. Some of the most widely used allopathic melanoma drugs have been generated by nature – vincristine and vinblastine from the Vinca or periwinkle plant and taxol from the yew plant are example that easily come to mind. Yet another content known as camptothecin found in the Mappia foetida plant is widely used as an over the counter solution for melanoma in the USA.
What all this indicates is that many herbs are a storage space of ingredients that have been formerly unrecognized for their healing value.Including them in your diet can have a cancer preventive action and for people diagnosed with cancer, these herbs alone or in combination with allopathic drugs may prove useful in combating the disease. The fact that they have shown promising results in laboratory studies indicates that in the near future, it is quite likely that herbs will occupy a greater place in the fight against cancer.

First Colonoscopy Can Greatly Reduce Chance of Colon Cancer

Statistics show that over the past decade, death rates as a result of colon cancer have reduced as a result of the increasing range of individuals UN agency like better to bear a endoscopy screening. Medical communities across North America are creating forceful efforts to encourage individuals to require a endoscopy screening, a minimum of by age forty five. Those that have a case history of colon cancer or any reasonably cancer, ought to particularly contemplate a screening since detective work the condition early is that the best thanks to stop the condition from developing.
Colon cancer, even with today’s advancements in medication, still remains the second leading reason behind colonoscopycancer-related deaths, next to carcinoma. this could result to the type of diet and manner that almost all Americans lead. However, there area unit cases of even healthy people, with no history of cancer,still ending up with removed polyp cells within the colon once a endoscopy.  This is often one among the explanations why it’s necessary to travel through the endoscopy screening even while not experiencing any obvious symptoms of digestive tract medical problesymptoms of GI tract medical issues.

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure which involves scanning through the lining of the colon to assure its condition.This includes removal of any benign or malignant polyps that  are gift within the lining of the colon. Doctors reveal that by looking endoscopy screening tests, a person’s probabilities at developing colon cancer is greatly reduced.  The precise survival rate for an individual whose malignant tumor polyp is removed is a minimum of ninetieth. For any reasonably cancer, this survival rate is extremely promising.

Today, there’s still a desire for additional awareness to each yank individual relating to the benefits of looking a endoscopy screening check. Even for individuals with monetary challenges, there are medical communities across the country that annually give free screenings to anyone. Till these days, not many of us participated in these free endoscopy screening events. So as to resolve this monetary challenge, doctors try to develop different suggests that of early detection for carcinoma that may be assessable to most of the population. This way, the priority on carcinoma deaths will be absolutely self-addressed.

Virtual colonoscopy just like conventional colonoscopy in detecting colon cancer

Virtual colonoscopy (colongraphy) is a process used to look for symptoms and symptoms of pre-cancerous cancers, known as polyps; cancer; and other illnesses of the colon. Pictures of the colon are taken using computed tomography (CT Scan). A computer puts images together to make an computer animated, three-dimensional view of the inside of the colon.

How is a virtual colonoscopy performed?
For the examination, a little tip is placed about 2 ” wide into the rectum to carefully increase the digestive tract with air for the best possible creation. The CT images are then easily acquired while the affected person can be found perfectly on his or her returning. Then do it again checking is done with the affected person relaxing on his or her abdomen. The resulting images are computer rebuilt to offer opinions of the whole within of the colon in two roles. During the exam you will be alone in the analyzing space however, a technologist and health professional in the nearby management space can see and listen to you, and you can talk with them at any time.The laxative-free technique determined 91% of the people with precancerous polyps that were 1 centimeter or larger, which is about as precise as conventional colonoscopy.Two aspects that restrict exclusive colonoscopy’s broader usage these days are that it still needs a digestive tract prepare and, if polyps are discovered, you still need to have a complete colonoscopy. Laxative-free CTC eliminates one of those limits.


This study engaged 605 adults, 60 years old, on average, who were regarded at regular risk for cancer of the digestive tract and were tested twice. For two days before the first analyze — a virtual colonoscopy — they ate a low-fiber diet, including to some foods a comparison content that would “tag” waste in their digestive system. After the CT check out was done, special software removed the tagged material from the images, which were then examined for dubious polyps. A couple of several weeks later, members experienced the second analyze, a standard colonoscopy, which used a versatile opportunity to check for polyps. They limited dietary roughage consumption for a day or two before the analyze, and on the night before the examination, they consumed the essential natural planning to get rid of their digestive system. The image-cleansing method was nearly as good as the conventional in determining bigger polyps, which are regarded the most likely to become cancerous: The CT analyze discovered 91 % of the cancers that were 10 mm or bigger vs. 95 % for the conventional colonoscopy. But the new strategy was less precise for small polyps calculating at least 6 mm, finding 59 % vs. 76 %. Participants discovered the laxative-free planning easier, and a lot of indicated they would choose it for upcoming testing.

Total Cleanse Diet The Worlds Natural Colon Cleanse

The body’s first line of defense is a healthy colon. However, our internal detoxification process can break down from: overexposure to environmental pollutants in our air, food and water, poor diet, lack of adequate fiber, excessive alcohol and caffeine, high stress, lack of exercise, overuse of antibiotics and prescription medications. This produces a state of toxicity and colon cleansing diet then becomes one of the most important steps in detoxification.

Every day we are exposed to high levels of pollution. This, together with unhealthy dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles has led to a buildup of harmful toxins and spend materials in the body program. Research that at any point of time our body program has 15 to 20 pounds of harmful toxins. This accumulation of harmful toxins is responsible for a variety of ailments such as premature aging, low energy, wrinkles, depression, poor eyesight, forgetfulness and many more.

Our excretory program is not able to eliminate all the spend from the body program. The harmful toxins thus keep getting accumulated which sets the stage for the onset of a variety of deadly illnesses. Therefore it is imperative that we undertake regular washing of our organs and circulatory program. Complete Detoxify creates available a method of complete cleansing of the body program.
Apart from washing the body program of all the impurities Total Cleanse also features in a variety of other health advantages. One of the main advantages of using the item is that it allows to keep melanoma of the digestive tract at bay. Colon Cancer is one of the deadliest illnesses in the country that kills many people every year. This is mainly caused due to improper cleaning of digestive tract. Complete Detoxify allows to clean the digestive tract thereby preventing the occurrence of melanoma of the digestive tract.

Also, after one’s human is thoroughly cleansed the user feels more energetic. There is no more fatigue or tiredness that is usually experienced when one’s human is full of toxic substances. Total Cleanse features in a variety of herbal substances which creates it a safe and effective item to be used. It does not contain any harmful items that might lead to constipation, diarrhea or any other stomach disorders. There is no presence of substances such as Cape Aloe Gel and Magnesium Hydroxide that might cause harm to the body program. A few of the substances that are present in the item include Pay D-Ar co Bark, Yellow Dock Root, Iva Uris Leaf, Wahhabi, Gentian, and Horsetail many other such herbs.
Total Cleanse creates available a 100% all natural solution to cleanse the organs and circulatory program. It encourages a healthier lifestyle and is essential for the overall mind body program wellness.

A Simple 4-Step Program to Restore Optimal Colon Health

The great thing is that none of us has to experience from abdominal corrosion. You can stop further destruction by modifying your diet to include more whole foods and prevent unhealthy food, glucose, enhanced carbohydrate food, medicines and liquor.Drink enough water that is clean, at least 8 cups a day. That is in addition to any juices, coffee, tea and other beverages that you might drink.
To reverse bowel degeneration you should follow a simple, yet powerful 4-step program of cleansing and detoxification.

Step 1 – Intestinal Cleansing – You must start this process by removing the disease causing build up of spend, partly digested food, putrefied remains of the deceased harmful bacteria and other spend materials from the bowel. They have to be eliminated as soon as possible.This is achieved by using a mixture of organic herbs that basically clean the digestive system fresh while providing soothing and organic pleasure of peristaltic activity. The end result is complete elimination of al the spend and trash from your bowel, making it fresh, healthy, vital and able to support your health.The organic herbs in the Intestinal Cleanser™ are all organic and, as opposed to stimulant laxatives, they are not obsessive even if used for years.
The herbs in the Intestinal Cleanser are all natural and, unlike laxatives, they are not addictive even if used for a long time.

Step 2 – Cellular Cleansing – Now that the intestines is clean, the same has to be done for the rest of the body to support the liver and kidneys and remove stored toxins from the blood and tissues.Cellular Cleanser™ does just that with the help of 15 different herbs, such as Milk Thistle, Dandelion root, Echinacea and many others. These herbs strengthen the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and speed up the removal of toxins from your cells, making them healthier and more vital.

Step 3 – Yeast and Parasite Elimination – One of the major sources of bowel dysfunction is overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms, such as yeast, parasites, viruses and bacteria. Reducing the amount of these “unfriendly bugs” improves the health of not only the colon, but of the entire body.
Yeast & Parasite Eliminator™ is a combination of Artemesia annua, grapefruit extract and caprylic acid in a specific blend. These natural colon cleanse are deadly for yeast as well as parasites and pathogenic bacteria, yet they are gentle and non-irritating unlike many of the drugs used to treat the intestines.

Step 4 – Restoring Healthy Flora – After reducing the number of pathogenic microorganisms it’s important to replace them with friendly bacteria. Besides keeping the “bad” bugs at bay, these good bacteria synthesize vitamins, such as B12, biotin and Vitamin K. They break down toxins and support the immune system. In addition, they manufacture short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that are essential for colon health, and they play a role in preventing colon cancer.
A unique ingredient of the Healthy Flora™ is lactoferrin, an enzyme that prevents utilization of iron by yeast and parasites. Since they need iron for growth, lactoferrin effectively prevents them from growing and proliferating.
The most important benefit is that you eliminate the main source of imbalance and dysfunction in the body and start on the path of continued good health.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is common situation in which repeated stomach discomfort with bowel irregularity and or diarrhoea continue for years without any common destruction in health. There is no noticeable actual architectural situation.The signs are caused by irregular muscle contractions in the bowel and increased understanding to stimulating elements such as extending or distention of the muscle tissue. The actual cause of IBS is unknown, but the situation is often associated with stress and may follow a serious infection of the bowel.

Tests  may be required in order to rule out disease. Treatment is based on eliminating stress (psychotherapy), dietary modification and waste conditioning agents and drugs to reduce the muscle spasms or to reduce discomfort understanding.Various illnesses of the digestive tract can alter the way that the digestive tract functions and modify its basic structure. Some of these illnesses can outcome in reduced performance and changes in the size or shape of the digestive tract. The illnesses of the digestive tract that are considered architectural conditions include piles,fissures, diverticulitis, colon polyps, colitis, and colon cancer.The actual causes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are not completely recognized. The designs of the surfaces of the digestive program are made of levels of the muscle, that contract and relax as they shift the meals to the anus in what is called peristalsis. When the bowels are functional, these muscle tissue operate rhythmically. When you have IBS, the contractions of the little and digestive tract are intense and intermittent.
The signs vary from one case to the next, but in common, the signs range in strength and duration from light and irregular to serious and continuous.

The symptoms involve a modify in activity styles such as bowel irregularity, diarrhoea, or a combination of both.Pain, stomach ache and stomach distention often go along with this modify in bowel styles. The stomach discomfort is sometimes brought on by eating and is frequently treated through defecation.The chyme (the partial liquid mass of partially consumed meals that goes through the intestines) and waste materials shift through the digestive program creating gas and stomach ache in both the stomach and the digestive program.

Sometimes the meals goes throughout the bowel progressively, and the feces will turn into little, hard, dry mounds that compact and cause serious bowel irregularity.Some researchers believe that IBS may be caused by a modify in the neurological program. This neurological program modify results in a reducing or increase in the activity of the digestive muscle tissue. A person with irritable bowel syndrome IBS will experience these changes progressively as the neurological program changes progress.


Colonoscopy Process

Colonoscopy is a operation that has been useful nowadays, since melanoma of the digestive tract is one of the top illnesses. But before we go to the process, there are many things we should consider before going through the colonoscopy process. Many people say this is the most complicated aspect of the process because planning needs our concentrate and self-discipline. This aspect can tell whether your colonoscopy will be a achievements or not. Be sure that you are well ready both actually and psychologically.

In planning for colonoscopy, your doctor will give you medications, whatever it is just be sure you have to adhere to every individual term. Your own is washing your digestive tract through fluid diet plans or natural or whatever the physician’s prescribed. Be sure you have your healthcare information examined by your doctor to make him/her conscious of your healthcare problem. Also it is excellent to let the doctor know the drugs you are getting. Let the doctor know if you have allergic reactions on sedative drugs or you have skin allergic reactions.It is best to ask your doctor if you can proceed the products you are getting. If it will not confuse the washing process. It is also excellent to organize your drive home after the colonoscopy since you will experience tired after the process because of the sedative.

colonoscopyColonoscopy is a two way process you do the planning, your doctor will do the colonoscopy process. In your planning be sure you have purchased anything you need for the whole washing, fruit juices (vegetables and fruit) and soup should be available. If it possible you must remain on the house during the planning. Taking 2 days off from your work can help you get ready for the colonoscopy. Also you must ask your doctor what are the food you can eat during the get ready time. Cereal products, oatmeal and apples may be permitted. If your doctor permitted you to eat, be sure you will not eat too much and always keep in mind your goal; cleaning out your digestive tract from waste. Usually, there must be no consumption of dairies on the planning time, no red shaded fruit juices. And if you are getting stimulant laxatives, it is crucial thing is to get yourself moisturized because stimulant laxatives can outcome to lack of fluids because of your regular moving of chairs. You should remain moisturized.

There are many arrangements available too. The following are most given by physicians in planning to colonoscopy.

> Intestines hydrotherapy
> Enemas
> Suppositories
> Polytheline Glycerin (PEG) Electrolyte Solutions
> Salt Phospates Solutions

Whatever your doctor has recommended, it is essential that you get your go on the planning, keep in mind that your objective is to allow your doctor to have a better perspective on your digestive tract. With the better perspective there is more opportunity to obvious our digestive tract from the precancerous symptoms like polyps which can be eliminated during the colonoscopy. It your responsibilities to your health so why not take it as a task for a better outcome during the colonoscopy process. You may experience pain on this process because you have to go to the bathing room regularly. Do not reduce heart, anyway its only 1 day.

What are the possible complications of colonoscopy?

colonoscopy complicationsColonoscopy and polypectomy are generally safe when performed by doctors who have been specially trained and are experienced in these procedures.
One possible complication is a perforation, or tear, through the bowel wall that could require surgery. Bleeding might occur at the site of biopsy or polypectomy, but it’s usually minor. Bleeding can stop on its own or be controlled through the colonoscope; it rarely requires follow-up treatment. Some patients might have a reaction to the sedatives or complications from heart or lung disease.

Although complications after colonoscopy are uncommon, it’s important to recognize early signs of possible complications. Contact your doctor if you notice severe abdominal pain, fever and chills, or rectal bleeding of more than one-half cup. Note that bleeding can occur several days after the procedure.